Toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes
Toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes

toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes

If done correctly, these could create a very tightly integrated 2d animation pipeline. Namely the texture paint brushes, animation editors, compositor, and vse. First of all, Blender already has a pretty good foundation for 2d animation. If your answer is “why the hell would we add 2d animation features to a 3d software?”, please give me a moment to defend my sanity. If your answer is yes, please comment a feature (or features) that you would consider essential to a 2d animation workflow. It is also possible to use textures when drawing with the Pencil tool.For clarification, this means traditional hand drawn animation using the texture paint brushes.

  • In the Camera or Drawing view, start drawing to test your brush settings.
  • If you want the spacing between each instance of the brush tip to be random, set the Random Spacing setting to any value above 0 %.
  • If you want the angle of your brush tip to be random each time the tip is printed on your canvas, set the Random Angle setting to any value above 0 °.
  • If you want the size of your brush tip to vary each time it's printed on your canvas, set the Random Size setting to any value above 0 %.
  • toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes

    If this setting is too high, your strokes will look like the brush tip has been stamped repeatedly over your canvas instead of dragged on it. If this setting is too low, your brush strokes might feel too thick and opaque. The default setting is 7%, which produces a relatively realistic brush stroke-like result. Use the Spacing slider to set how much distance you must drag your brush before Harmony prints the brush tip onto your canvas, relative to your brush's size.If you set it to 0 %, the brush will only be opaque in its center, and will gradually become transparent towards its edges. If you set it to 100 %, the brush will be completely solid. Use the Hardness slider to set how much of the outer part of your brush tip should fade to transparency.If you want your brush tip to be at an angle, use the Angle slider to rotate your brush tip.If you want your brush tip to have uneven dimensions, use the Roundness slider to shrink the brush tip vertically all the while preserving its horizontal size.

    toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes

    If you don't want the pressure on your pen to affect the brush size, set this parameter to 100%.

    toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes

    The minimum size is set to a percentage of your brush tip's maximum size, which is 25% by default.

  • If you are using a pressure-sensitive pen tablet, use the Minimum Size slider to set the size of your brush when using your pen with very little pressure.
  • When drawing with a pressure-sensitive pen tablet, your brush's size will range between its minimum and maximum size, depending on the amount of pressure you put on the pen when drawing. NOTE: When drawing with a mouse, your brush is always at its maximum size.

    Toon boom harmony essentials textured brushes